About Great Chefs

Great Chefs

Our Mission and Inspiration

For the past 34 years, the mission of Great Chefs Television has been to bring to the attention  of the global public, the hard work, and the long hours and years of training that these Artists, called “Chefs”, dedicate themselves to.

This Great Chefs website is a priceless archive of cooking technique videos from classically-trained chefs, together with their biographies, and their signature Video-On-Demand cooking techniques, dishes, and recipes. Unlike cooking competition shows, Great Chefs provides free Video-On-Demand cooking techniques that can be watched over and over. If you are traveling anywhere in the world, the Great Chefs website will direct you to the finest restaurants in the area.Great Chefs has always raised the level of culinary education, and introduces and exposes the next generation to the level of culinary professionals today. Browsing this website and screening the videos is a must for any young person who is interested in cooking, before they begin their culinary training, learning how other chefs got their start. It is a roadmap of how these Great Chefs achieved success, and shows their different approaches on how to reach that goal.

For those whom their peers have designated as Great Chefs, our mission continues, and that mission is to fill the chairs in the Chef’s restaurant. We share their lives, talent, cooking techniques, culinary art, and their recipes with the world, whether it be in broadcast, print, or the internet. Our hope is that more children and young adults will enter the culinary world, and that their talent will take them to the top.

Ask most chefs today what inspired them on their culinary journey, and many will say the Great Chefs Television shows created their initial interest. For that we are proud.

Contact Us:

747 Magazine Street
New Orleans, Louisiana, 70130 USA

Phone : (800) 321-1499
Local : (504) 581-5000
Fax : (504) 581-1188

Email : info@greatchefs.wop-lab.company

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